Imbolc Blessings all, I thought I'd do a little post about Imbolc, what it is and how I as a Green Witch like to spend my time when it comes around.
What is Imbolc?
Imbolc is a part of the Pagan 'Wheel of the Year' a marked point, sometimes referred to as a 'holiday', that is acknowledged by those who choose to, many Witches, Pagans and others on spiritual paths choose to acknowledge and celebrate it.
Imbolc falls exactly halfway between the Winter Solstice (Yule) and the Spring Equinox (Ostara). Marking the point where daylight is increasing and spring is in the air. While some may say it is too early for planting in gardens, Imbolc is a time to start thinking about what you wanted to plant and harvest in the coming year, what intentions you have and what goals you might set for yourself.
When is Imbolc?
It is recognised to be the 1st & 2nd February
How to celebrate Imbolc?
There is no set way to honor or celebrate Imbolc, personally I like make an 'Imbolc bowl / dish' which contains a candle that I burn whilst setting my intentions and journaling. Some like to make Brigid cross, some like to plant seeds, some like to bake and others like to clean and organise their homes. All are different ways people like to spend their time over Imbolc.
Some of the things associated with Imbolc
Colours: White and earth tones like greens and browns
Flowers: Snowdrops
Herbs: Bay, basil, cinnamon and chamomile
Symbols and accessories: Brigid cross & candles
Crystals: Amethyst, Moonstone, Turquoise,
I'd love to hear about the ways you celebrate Imbolc.
Blessed Be, Kerri x