Founders Harri & Kerri
Harri and Kerri created Lunar Coven Cove after connecting by chance over a shared interest in witchcraft and wellness. When they first put up the small display in Kerri's high street shop in Seaton they were met by so much lovely feedback on the hand created and curated stock they quickly realised that there was a whole community in their area that too felt drawn to explore the world of witchcraft, wellness and spirituality so expanded it and began offering workshops and gatherings, the shop continues to grow to this day.

"Having always had a deep rooted love for a darker and witchy asthetic Harri kind of fell into her practice unintentionally. Classing herself as a chaos witch Harri just does what feels right for her in that moment and can often be found trying to remember what she was doing or trying to remember the usage of a herb or crystal she already used a million times"

"Kerri fell into the world of witchcraft as a teen keeping her practice mostly private (though there were signs if you knew her) until becoming more confident to share her true self now she's in her mid 30's. Kerri is a Green Witch, in more ways than one, she is obsessed with the colour green, gardening and the natural world. Kerri can often be found studying, always wanting to learn something new, she has a Masters Degree in Philosophy and wants to undertake a PhD in the next few years"